Who’s taking the children

Who’s taking care of the children
Generally women in the world has a job, same in the USA and Indonesia . In the USA over 70% of women with the children under 18 Have another job besides that of mother and homemaker. That is different with Indonesia, but in Indonesia 35% of women with children under 18 have another job beside that of mother and homemaker.
The reason why the woman in the world must have a job is monetary factors, so women has another job besides that of mother and homemaker. Although it is sometimes difficult, woman are strong.
Therefore in USA husband as exclusive breadwinner and the wife as a stay-at-home morn caring the children today account for only 7% of the population in the USA. And another reason that woman are strong and long old so her husband just stay at home and arrange all of their children and home. That is different with Indonesia, many husband has a job in Indonesia until 65% of the population.
Although different USA and Indonesia has similarity are has many variation family, has same strategy to arrange their schedule at home, and watches children when the children when the parent work.
And in the end that we know all similarities about taking care of the children in USA and Indonesia also has the differences.

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